Student Uniforms
The Catholic Secondary Schools of this city have a long tradition of having uniforms for their students. The St. Jean de Brebeuf school community actively participates in this tradition. In addition to the practical considerations and security provided by a school uniform, the purpose of a uniform dress code is to impart to students the understanding that as individuals they are also a part of a greater whole, namely the St. Jean de Brébeuf school community. Students at S.J.B. are required to adhere to the dress code at all times including their study periods and during their lunch hours.
Supplier: McCarthy Uniform
Address: 125 Nebo Road, Hamilton, ON, L8W 2E1
Telephone Number: 416-593-6900
Toll Free Number: 1-800-668-8261
Please note, all calls are answered by McCarthy's centralized Customer Service department.
Website: https://www.mccarthyuniforms.ca/home/index