Principal's Message- Mr. R. Lombardi
Dear students, parents, and guardians of the St. Jean de Brebeuf Catholic Secondary School community.
It is with great honour that I accept this placement as Principal of SJB. I look forward to serving you as
we work together to help students to grow in their personal journey.
A well-rounded and thorough education focused on the whole person is essential to the process of
building a fulfilling life in the 21st century.
Our school motto, “Anima, Mens, Corpus”, captures this
vision of integration as it means soul, mind and body. Brebeuf provides many educational experiences
and opportunities for all students to learn and to live to the “best” of their abilities. While in our care,
we will continue to further challenge all students to grow and to be capable of exceeding their present
“best” by achieving academic excellence and personal growth that will serve them in their personal lives,
the local community, and beyond.
Our school, in partnership with the home, our local parishes and our community, provides a vibrant,
Christ-centred learning environment that fosters the pursuit of our faith and academic excellence. We
are thankful for the God given gifts and talents of our staff to build programs within the school that allow
all students the opportunity to reach new heights academically and personally. Specifically, through our
curriculum teaching, school events, our emphasis on social justice, and other fully immersive activities,
students fulfill the Catholic Graduate Expectations by becoming:
- A Discerning Believer Formed in the Catholic Faith Community
- An Effective Communicator
- A Reflective and Creative Thinker
- A Self-Directed, Responsible, Lifelong Learner
- A Collaborative Contributor
- A Caring Family Member
- A Responsible Citizen.
Rooted in our Catholic understanding of the human person, Catholic education enables all learners to
realize the fullness of their humanity through our board’s vision of Believing, Achieving, and Serving. As a
Catholic school leader, I believe we are called to be pillars of our faith and to be examples of a life-long
learner serving those we lead and ensuring:
- The need to support the formation of the whole child: body, mind and spirit.
- The need to emphasize and promote the dignity and the equality of all persons.
- The need to show respect and due concern for staff, students, parents/guardians.
- The desire to work collaboratively with all stakeholders to form critical thinkers.
“We are many, we are one” As leaders we are accountable to all stakeholders and we should model the
ethical and moral standards we expect daily, using our Lord Jesus Christ, the Good Shepard, as our model.
This is shown through our work with our staff and students as we collaborate to create safe schools where
each belong, each are welcome, each can succeed, and each are invited to use their gifts for the many.
Welcome to St. Jean de Brebeuf C.S.S., and I pray your high school career and all your experiences may be
full of truth, goodness and beauty!
Yours in Christ,
Roberto Lombardi