Hamilton Public Health Services will be holding a vaccine clinic at St. Jean de Brebeuf Catholic Secondary School on Friday, February 9th in the Gym.
This is not a COVID vaccine clinic.
This upcoming school clinic will provide students with the opportunity to update their immunization records and/or to receive missing routine childhood vaccinations.
You may view and update your student’s online immunization records at Hamilton.ca/Vaccines or report their completed vaccinations directly to Hamilton Public Health Services by calling 905-540-5250.
This Friday, those students coming to the clinic are reminded to wear a short-sleeved shirt and to not skip meals. If possible, students should also bring their immunization records.
Please note that any student born in 2006 – 2009 who fails to comply with the requirements of Ontario’s Immunization of School Pupil’s Act, may be subject to school suspension this year.”
Please see the attached sheet for more information:
Vaccine Clinic High School Parent Letter 2024Final.doc (003).pdf