Take Our Kids to Day 2023

Take Our Kids to Work Day
Posted on 10/25/2023

On Wednesday, November 1, 2023, Grade 9 students from Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic secondary schools will have the opportunity to spend the day job shadowing a parent/guardian, relative, or friend as part of Take Our Kids to Work™ (TOKW) day.

Launched in 1994 by The Learning Partnership, Take Our Kids to Work™ is a national coordinated experiential learning opportunity for Grade 9 students, offering them the chance to see and explore the world of work. The Students Commission of Canada (SCC) has taken over Take Our Kids to Work™ from The Learning Partnership, and has chosen the theme “Everyone Belongs Here” for this year’s event, as a sign of their commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Participation at a Workplace

Students and their parent(s)/guardian(s) are responsible for selecting an appropriate workplace and making the arrangements for the student to attend. To participate, a parent consent form must be completed, signed by a parent/guardian and the student, and then returned to the school. Consent forms and are being printed centrally and will be provided to schools for distribution to students by Monday, October 23, 2023

Consent Form:  108 ATT Parent-Permission-Form_2023_e.pdf