Dear Parents/Guardians of St. Jean de Brébeuf Catholic Secondary School Students:
Welcome to another school year at SJB! I hope you have all had a wonderful, relaxing and fun summer. Soon it will be time to get all of our students back into school mode. This is the first of a few emails (reminders prior to school starting) to help you prepare by giving you important information that will assist you in helping your children get off to a great start in the new 2024 2025 school year.
Our website is kept up to date and should have relevant information for you to look at and review whether you are a new student or a returning student. My name is Mr. Lombardi and I am the principal for SJB. I'm happy to be returning and looking forward to having another great year in this amazing school community.
See attached:
- Letter to Parents - Aug. 5, 2024 2025.pdf
- 075 ATT Accessing Your HWCDSB Aspen Student Portal.pdf
- A Note from Student Services 2024.pdf
- Student Athletic Permission Form.pdf
- Code of Conduct for Parent and Students.pdf
- Parent Nomination Form 7.4.png
- Parent Nomination Form 7.5.png
Please note that staff are still off until school starts in September. The main office and administration will be in the building starting August 27, 2024.
Students will also be receiving most of these files as it is also their responsibility to know what is expected and to follow through on the school's protocols.
Thank you and God Bless!
Roberto Lombardi, SJB Principal