Honour Roll Information and Viewing Link

honour Roll Information and Viewing Link
Posted on 11/20/2023

Each year, the St. Jean de Brébeuf C.S.S. community honours the students with the highest academic standing at our Honour Roll Awards Ceremony. This involves recognition of the Honour Roll’s top recipients by grade, and the Director’s Awards of Academic Excellence. These awards are acknowledged by our St. Jean de Brébeuf C.S.S. staff and the Director of Education, Mr. David Hansen. Also joining us to celebrate our student achievement is Mr. Pat Daly, Chairperson of the Board of Trustees. We are happy to be having this ceremony for the students in our auditorium and to live stream it for parents/guardians and family members to watch.

We are so pleased to recognize our exemplary students and will be hosting this event on Tuesday, November 21st, beginning at 9am sharp, in our school auditorium. Invited students will be dismissed from their Period 1 classes and should attend the assembly in full uniform. Parents/Guardians and family will be able to view the ceremony live by going to our school YouTube channel by using the following link, http://www.youtube.com/sjbtvnews . On this site, 20 minutes before the live stream, a graphic will appear. Click on the graphic to start the feed for this year’s Honour Roll Assembly.

Following the ceremony Award recipients are welcome to join some staff and administration in the Library/Learning Commons for coffee/tea and refreshments. Students will then be able to join their peers continuing with their classes after the ceremony/reception.

We wish to congratulate all our student recipients and their families. We are very proud of what they have achieved. We look forward to you joining us virtually in celebration of their accomplishments.

Yours in Catholic Education,
Mr. Roberto Lombardi


Viewing Link for Parents
