Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week

Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week
Posted on 11/11/2024

The Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board (HWCDSB) believes each child is created in the image and likeness of God.  Every student has the right to be safe and to feel respected in and around their Catholic school community. Guided by the teachings of Jesus Christ, the HWCDSB is committed to school environments where each member of the school community feels valued, respected, and has a sense of belonging. 

The HWCDSB recognizes that bullying causes serious harm to the entire school community. Bullying impacts not solely the victim, but also the one who bullies as well as the bystander. Bullying can lead to more long-term social and emotional problems. Bullying, including cyber bullying, is a serious issue and is not tolerated in a Catholic school environment, at school-related activities, on or off school property. 

Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week is the third week of November. This year, Bullying Awareness and Prevention week takes place from Sunday, November 17 to Saturday, November 23, 2024. 

📣 Exciting H.A.T. Activities for Bullying Awareness Week at St. Jean de Brébeuf Catholic Secondary School! 📣
We are thrilled to announce that the HAT (Healthy Action Team) team has some amazing plans in store for Bullying Awareness Week, and we need your support to make it a success!
Here’s what we have lined up:
🗓️ Thursday, November 21 – Join us in the cafeteria during both lunch periods for 2 exciting activities:
  1. Friendship Bracelet Making 🤝: Come make a bracelet for a friend (or for yourself) to symbolize kindness and friendship.
  2. "I Matter Because..." Interactive Board 💬: Share your voice! Add your reasons to our HAT bulletin board in the caf and help spread positivity.
🌟 Hallway Bulletin Board Update: We are refreshing the bulletin board in the elevator hallway with our new "Born To Be Me/Be You" mirror. Be sure to check it out!
👕 Pink Shirt Day: On Thursday, November 21 there will be a Pink Shirt Day to show our stand against bullying. Students who are participating will be asked to make a $2 donation via School Cash Online, with all proceeds going to a selected anti-bullying organization. Students who donate will receive a wristband during Period 1. Students are to wear a Pink Shirt with there school uniform pants.
🗣️ Student HAT Members Leading Morning Prayers: Student leading morning prayers as part of our HAT initiative.
Let’s come together as a school community to promote kindness, inclusion, and a safe environment for everyone.
More details will follow, and we’ll keep you posted on all the activities!
#WeAreSJB #KindnessMatters #BornToBeMe
Thanks for your support!
The HAT Team 💛