BRAVES, this year's Terry Fox Run is happening soon. With the recent passing of Mr. Chiarot we are reminded of how important Terry's cause remains. SJB dedicates this year's run to Mr. Matthew Chairot.
On Thursday, October 5th, 2023 at the beginning of period 2, participating students will take part in a 5-kilometre run or walk outside on the track. If you would like to participate, you must make a minimum $10 donation to the Terry Fox Foundation via school cashonline by Wednesday, October 4th, 2023. Pledge forms are available upon request in Room 223 on the lunches.
Students will report directly to the track for period 2 and attendance will be taken as you check in. You cannot check in later than 9:45 am. You must check in for your attendance to be cleared. All students who participate will be entered in a draw to win 1 of 3 $25 gift cards. Our fundraising goal is $2000 - Let's do this BRAVES!